Again,I am here to reply to that mother fcker.I am enjoying entertaining this childish act ekh.LAWLS. -.-!
Sumpah tak hotbabe;
AHAHAAA!Aku hisap konek?!Asal,ko pun nak hisap perr?!Takkan susah sangat nak cari konek untuk ko hisapkan kott.Ko kan hot babe.Kekek uhh aku tengok ko.
Memang aku syiok sendiri.Naper?!Ko ader masalah perr.Aku tak lawar pun perangai tak macam sial uhh kan.Atleast aku tak panggil diri aku;MAII JAMBU,MAII PRETTYHEAD atau macam ko MAII HOT BABE. Eeek,sumpah ko tak tahu malu.Kalo ko betul pun lawar,biar larhs org laen panggil ko hotbabe.Aku raser ko yang syiok sendiri bukan aku dok.Self-denial tol.Aku kurang kasih sayang?!Ko confirm tak confirm?!Kalo aku kurang kasih sayang aku gi blog2 orang pegi spam tagboard dorang.Sebiji mcm perangai ko tur.
Saper yang attention seeker nir pompan?!Ko ker aku?!AHAHAAA!Foundation aku tebal?!ASAL?!Aku pakai mak ko yerr laki yerr duit per beli!Aku beli 10 botol pun ko tak saket per.Tak tahu uhh kalo check2 ko terus saket kuat.
Ko representative of all haters ekh?!AHAHAAAAA!Siak.Kekek sial aku dengar.Ko bukak fb group;MAII HATERS pun baek sial.Ko kan free sangat.Aku paham takder orang layan ko tur pasal ko buat kecoh pat tagboard aku.Hati aku mulia,gi larhs bark pat tagboard aku ekh pompan sengket.
Aku pelik uhh sangat.Kalo hot mesti banyak peminat uhh kan.Confirm laki beratur nak kenal2.Hmph.Tapi ko ader maser pulak gi blog aku ekh.Menyalak mcm anjing pat tepi jalan.
Honoured larhs aku pasal kan hot babe tagged pat tagboard aku.Dier sanggup buang maser dier pat aku yer blog.Kirerkan aku worth her tyme uhh.Aku tahu ko sayang aku actually.Ko ader masalah ngan aku,straight talk ngan aku.Asal chul perr?!Tak yah nak jadi "coward",step ANNOYOMOUS ekh.Aku look down pat org2 cam gini.( :
Side tracked.
Break with siddiq forr some reasons.He refused to move on nnd etc.He kept crying to miee.Even to the extent of calling Priya,Raj nnd Shabby to cry to them.Damn it.He even cut his hand nnd carved my name.I am feeling superb guilty about it.Every single day he is crying forr miee.He eben flood my FB wall with his post.How inhuman cann I get?!Pfts.
Shadiq on the other hand is waiting for miee for 2 months.I feel so bad hurting hym nnd stuff.He even want to slash Sidiq forr not letting miee go.Wtf. -.-!
Alan confessed to miee something.Was rather shocked.He apologize to whatever he told miee cause Shadiq is his brader nnd he dnt want to potong jalan.He is freaking emo nnd weak.
I still havent explain anything yet to Shadiq nnd Alan.I hope they can forgive miee.Hmph. :/
I am stress enough.Very fcked up.Now having fever,sore throat,cough nnd flu.FML.My head wanna burst.Serius shitz.